The Villages Community Chapel is a multi denominational Christian Church serving those who live the Villages Golf and Country Club and the nearby Assisted Living Facilities in San Jose, CA. Our weekly worship service is held at 10AM Sundays in the Cribari Auditorium in the Villages.
“Your Thoughts Matter”
By Pastor Bill Hayden
People may say unkind and hurtful things about you, which can deeply affect your outlook on yourself and your future. It is very important to have a healthy view of yourself because your thoughts can and will often determine your behavior. If you continue to view yourself as others have defined you, it can be difficult to feel loved and valued by God.
A person’s attitude toward himself greatly influences his attitude toward God, family, friends, the future, and many other things. Forming a negative self-image results when we let the values and opinions of others influence us rather than what God says about us. Sometimes, family or a teacher will unwittingly form an opinion about you and give you a label, which causes others to tease you. You develop a low self-image and compare yourself with others, which can lead to destructive behavior. We secretly long to be like someone else, either in appearance or ability, and when others respond negatively towards us, it can set off a firestorm. We become unhappy with our looks, our possessions, our jobs etcetera. Sadly, it can lead to you becoming bitter, resentful, depressed and also lead to shyness and withdrawal or even becoming a perfectionist and critical of others.There is a way out! Don’t allow your brokenness to close the door to God’s word and His truth concerning His thoughts toward you:
Ephesians 1:11-12 NASB 11 In Him we also have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things by the plan of His will, 12 to the end that we who were the first to hope in the Christ would be to the praise of His glory.
Please join us in celebrating Life at the Villages Community Chapel in Cribari Auditorium this Sunday at 10 a.m. to be encouraged over the Word of Life and enjoy coffee and cookies with friends. The chapel is a place for needs to be met, faith to be affirmed, and new friends to embrace. You can view our worship services on YouTube at